Thursday, July 16, 2009

Trend Thursdays: Light Up the Sky

Traditionally these sky lanterns have been used in Taipei and Thailand as part of special occasions and festivals. They light up the sky beautifully and are so dramatic when you release them in large groups. The sky lanterns would be a great addition to a wedding, birthday or even funeral. You can attach wishes or messages to them and send them to the "heavens" to be fulfilled.

From Wikipedia, "Sky lanterns are traditionally made of oiled rice paper with a bamboo frame that contain a small candle or fuel cell, which is a waxy combustible material. When lit the fuel cell heats the air, creating smoke, and causes the lantern to rise into the air. The sky lantern is airborne for approximately 15 minutes, or until the fuel cell is exhausted, then the sky lantern floats back to the ground. They will achieve quite a height, but it is recommended not to launch them in strong winds."

Now you have the opportunity to use these unique lanterns for your next event. You can order sky lanterns from a company like The Sky Lantern. It comes in various colors, but I think the white is the most beautiful visually. I have used them at some weddings and it really wows the guests. The basic sky lantern at The Sky Lantern cost $5.00 each. Check out their Chinese Water Lanterns too, a dramatic touch to pools or other bodies of water.

Remember to contact your local Fire Marshall to get the appropriate permits prior to using these lanterns.

So light up the sky at your next event!


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